NATURAL - ​Wool is a protein fibre formed in the skin of sheep and is thus one hundred percent natural.
RENEWABLE - As long as there is grass to graze on, every year sheep will produce a new fleece; making wool a renewable fibre source.
BIODEGRADABLE - At the end of its useful life, wool can be returned to the soil, where it decomposes, releasing valuable nutrients into the ground.
BREATHABLE - Wool has a large capacity to absorb moisture vapour (up to 30 per cent of its own weight)
RESILIENT & ELASTIC - Wool fibres resist tearing and are able to be bent back on themselves over 20,000 times.
TRANS-SEASONAL - Thanks to its hygroscopic abilities, wool constantly reacts to changes in body temperature.
ODOUR RESISTANT - Wool is far more efficient than other textiles at absorbing sweat and releasing it into the air, before bacteria has a chance to develop and produce unpleasant body odour.